Thursday, August 30, 2012

Inang - Yaya Stories

As I have relayed before I am a simple stay at home mom, I used to have a yaya who was with me for 7 years even before I got Vinn but she got married and as I have said I have trust issues so I find it hard to employ strangers and leave my kid to them (paranoia strikes) lol. Right now we only have 1 maid at home who I sponsored for College she's been with us 6 years now and she takes care of my dogs. Our manang the cook went to Ilocos for vacation so we are on our own for a couple of months. Yesterday Nina had friends over so I cooked dinner for everyone including her friends plus I did the laundry too yey for them lol. I used to say housework is not hard but upon doing what manang does everyday jeez salute for manang :) I miss her a little and I hope she comes back asap.

Monday Fright

Last Wednesday we went to Medical City to meet my Gastroenterologist, I now have a schedule for my Colonoscopy and Endoscopy 9am on Monday. I am a bit terrified of what the findings will be, not for myself but for my son, he is too young. I just hope everything is fine. Before heading to Medical City we grab a bite at Uno Pizzeria which I got online at 50% off P645 for the price of P1300 meal :) Eating there during lunch gave me the creeps, it was isolated but it did felt private anyhow.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wedding Bells

I am not supposed to say this to anyone yet but since this is not a real blog and no one's really reading my stuff lol I'll share it anyway. My friend Ep' is getting married next month yey! she's in Qatar and obviously I cannot fly there and attend the ceremony, tickets are not cheap, no moolah for that. This wedding revelation reminds me of my wedding last 2010, Ep' helped me plan it and made that day perfect, I miss her :'( I will never get tired of saying thank you, I just wish I was there right now. Reminiscing my wedding...

To my friend since 3rd grade, Ep' congratulations and may you have a happy life with papa RG, you deserve each other, love you always!

Robot Zoo

Due to my addiction on online deals, I purchased this Robot Zoo thing at the price of P160 each, I didn't even know that they would make another sale which includes the planetarium at the same price boohoo for me. Anyways, earlier today we went to Mall of Asia and visited the Robot Zoo located at the second floor of the kid's zone. We stayed for like 15 minutes then headed out,  it was new but there was nothing that you would want to come back for.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Visit to Science Centrum

I forgot when was the last time I went on a place like this, probably too long ago lol. Sometimes cheap deals online could really lure someone, well someone like me to drive from Las Pinas to Marikina just to redeem her voucher. Just a while ago we went all the way to Marikina Riverbanks Center to visit the Science Centrum. Not that amazing but enough for the price I paid. We played a little and had fun on some of their exhibits.

Enchanted Sunday

It was Sunday but oh boy traffic was congested, we left Pamplona Las Pinas at around 2 PM and picked up Mir & Eden at Mall of Asia. Arrived at our destination (Enchanted Kingdom) in Sta. Rosa Laguna at around 5 PM, got stalled in EDSA as usual. Long weekend as it is the car park was full also. Last time I have been there was in 2008 I think but it was not that crowded, with park vistors this many the ride-all-you-can ticket we got were meaningless. Also, I forgot how expensive these park foods are lol the 4 slices pizza hut with sauce toppings (basically 2 pieces ham and a few chunks of pineapple with sauce) was P240 already, and the burger with fries was P185, hungry as I am I had both lol. Park closes at 9 PM, we did like 4 rides which is about 5-8 minutes max run, waited 20-30 minutes on each queue. It was fun but wished we went earlier than 5 PM. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kids and Lying

I didn't know that raising kids would be this hard >_< Irene 8 y/o and Chello 11 y/o are our foster kids from Bicol, my mom took them in but whenever they have troubles in school I am the one who takes care of it. Right now I am at wits end on sending them both home, why? more than 5 times now they were caught stealing money and lying about it. We learned that this stealing and lying thing was going on since April, and big amounts too. As they are not my kids I cannot spank nor inflict any kind of physical pain on them, it is frustrating. We intend to take them home this week but gave them another chance instead. What to do? I am clueless... 

Irene's 8th Birthday

We celebrated Irene a.k.a. Ailyn's 8th Birthday last August 21 at home. It was her first time to experience such since we took her and Chello from Bicol. Happy Birthday! 

Oh my Immigration!

What's with the Philippine Immigration? I know it is not my place to complain on their judgement, basically they are just doing their respective jobs. Although I haven't encountered this myself I find it hard to understand why would they deny someone with VISA and booked ticket already? My cousin who is Dubai bound last August 13 was denied at the Philippine Immigration on terminal 1 and today she was about to get the same denial for the reason of not having a hotel reservation, she will stay with our Aunt for crying out loud! Good thing the immigration officer let her through just when I got off the phone with her. Thank God :) Have a safe trip Rose!

Kinder Zoo

Kinder zoo with activities is one of the deals I got online, it was P345 I think good for 4 pax. Last August 21, I dragged my little family to Manila Zoo for the deal will end the very same day lol. Good thing a got a great deal on this online, P250 entrance fee per person is too expensive for a petting zoo that small or maybe it was just the cheap-O mom in me that says so.

is it me or Cebu?

WHY?!!! lol so much for being a drama queen. But seriously why? this is the second time in two years that I booked and planned a trip to Cebu and I was not able to go :( what's wrong with me? lol I got this fab cheap trip planned with my sister and friends and my little family got left behind, again! plane tickets and hotel bookings were already done and the night before we were about to go I was confined boohoo! the first one was because of my 1-month bulging tummy (pregnant with Vinn) now it was the hemorrhoids turn lol. I hope someday I'll get to see the fascinating Cebu and Bohol.

Terrible Tenant

Early retirement is so overrated, with the economic crisis no one is capable of such nowadays. For six glorious years my husband and I worked our asses off to invest on properties that later on when we retire could provide for us. Then came recession, bad decisions, QT (qualified theft) staff with case on court already, and barkada nights. I got so comfortable going out daily that I forgot to look after my shops, then the QT cashier took almost P160k portion earnings for the month, I also experienced wrong partnership investment turned nightmare after that horrible QT that is why up to now I have trust issues so whenever asked about business, my answer is not now. A lot happened in two years, thankfully we did save a little :). Currently, we make money by leasing out those properties. I am always thankful and I thought this is retirement indeed, no more waking up at 4 am and rushing to traffic, less stress just the yearly contract signing, but then I met this terrible tenant who unlike others is so frustrating. Our other tenants are almost on their 3rd year of contract no problems whatsoever but this one barely 4 months, complaints every month, had subleased my place without me knowing, haven't paid the bills for three months now and oh so rude, to think that he is a professor in some college tsk tsk. Good thing we had a signed contract, both of us already filed a report at the local Baranggay and had settled to part ways on August 27, which is in two days time thank goodness! They were supposed to leave on the 19th but got aggravated and yelled at my staff for claiming the keys, such temper! I just wish for them to move out peacefully, we will give back their deposit which is supposedly forfeited, I just want them to pay their bills first. Ooohh stress leave me alone lol anyway, so much for early retirement! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Toddler Talk

Others say it is too early for a kid of less than 3 years old to go to school but not me and some of the moms I know. My kid who is barely 2 years old is now attending preschool toddler class, 1.6 year old when he started. I am not a perfect mom, I have my flaws, I just make it certain that my kid gets all the things he need in life. Anyway, when Vinn was born I asked my pedia how to help boost my baby's  learning skill she simply said let him listen to classical music as it could help stimulate the brain and so I played one of my favorites to him, Andre Rieu. When he was about 6 months old I opt to enroll to Gymboree or Kindermusik for their my baby & me skill class but it was too far from our place and the price is too expensive for a two hour session. Since I am a stay at home mom I decided to teach him instead so I bought your-baby-can-read on home tv shopping lol, a lot of brainy baby & baby einstein CD's on any fake DVD stalls we passed by, the real thing is not practical for the cheap-O mom that I am. Reading, yes I read to him every night, I played his CD's for 30 minutes 4-6 times a day, I let him play with Alphabet flashcards and we never baby talked. It did paid off I guess for when he was about 7 months old his first word was "ball" not mom or dad :). At age 1.2 years old he already knows his ABC, can count 1-10, mimic animal sounds and more. This school year I enrolled him at Playschool Academy, I like that school for even Toddlers have homework and they do art for fun, I find it cute. He is almost 2 years old now, he knows his ABC very well, can count 1 to 20, differentiate animal sounds, refer to different parts of the body, can sing all of the nursery rhymes he learned from school and at home although a bit inaudible at times, is very talkative, he knows how to make circles but is still a little confused on colors and shapes. Nonetheless I am still very proud of my son, aren't all parents? :)

Halloween Costumes

I was talking to a friend the other day and she asked me if we could have another Halloween Party this year, first thing that came to mind are costumes. Here are some of the photos from previous Halloween Parties we had at home.

                                                                       October 2009


                                                                        October 2011

for me wearing costumes and throwing parties on Halloween is fun :)

On Braces and Diet

Since I find it hard to go to the gym and exercise, subconsciously I made an excuse for myself that if I got metal braces installed I will eat less and that would be it, but then again a few weeks after I got accustomed on wearing these shiny hard-to-clean correction braces, the food was just like before yummy and irresistible. Unhealthy thing is, sometimes I force food down my throat without chewing it properly. I once thought that braces are easy to maintain and will look pretty on anyone, hindi pala lol.

Flab to Fab

In 2001 when I met my husband (boyfriend then) he was a bit on the plump side, grew bigger up to 230 lbs when we opened the Chicken n' Spice Cafe' on 2005 but come 2009 lost as much as 100 lbs. Now he is a Certified Fitness Trainer (IC) at Gold's Gym 160 lbs to date. let me share some of his photos present and way back.

I wish I have the same dedication he has :)

All Star

Another deal I got online was this NBA vs PBA All Star Basketball Game held at the Arena in Mall of Asia last July 18. My son likes basketball and the Dad loves NBA, I on the other hand was more curious of the place than the game or celebrity players present. Among those NBA stars I knew who showed up were Kobe Bryant and Dennis Rodman. 

Summer Class

Last April - May 2012 my son 1.7 years old attended this summer class near our place.

Amansinaya Mountain Resort

Since it was my first week to blog, I had a couple of posts in mind I want to share before I forget. Let me start with last July 27th, it was the first of such experience, quite an adrenalin rush for the not so-adventurous me. I saw this deal online and booked 8 pax for P345 each, the pregnant gal did not showed up so off went 7 plus the littlest trekker (Mimoi) in tow. As early as 3 a.m. our small group drove to Laurel, Batangas and around 6:30 a.m. arrived at our destination thanks to google maps but not really for we had the longest route ever. We waited for the guide and for the rain to pass, good thing the staff were friendly and accommodating our day started well.

Approximately 8 a.m. the free shuttle service drove us to Pugad Lawin activity park, 6 among 7 of us tried the wall  climbing activity, I didn't (bigat ko eh') :p what I did was the zipline and mudslide.

After that we went trekking at Ambon ambon falls, Mimoi fell asleep on our way (poor Dad)

We stayed at Patio Filipino for lunch, the food was good but a bit pricey for the small portion servings. Afterwards, we went to their Aqua Water Park, the much awaited pool experience got a little depressing, rickety pool chairs, rusty water slide and thick too much chloroform water so we decided to head back and try the infinity pool instead.

All in all we had fun and the value for money is great! save, save, save :)

Manila Ocean Park

One of the deals I got online were passes to Ocean Park, it was rainy as it is August in the Philippines but I insisted to go and begged my husband, my only reason was "the deal will end soon" lol, and so last August 6 the day before the Monsoon rains hit and flood the Manila area we made the trip to Ocean Park.  But to our dismay some of the shows on the park were closed due to heavy rain, so Mimoi never got to see the Musical Fountain and the Bird Show, maybe some other time. There is nothing new on the big tank, and the Penguin Show was plain boring not worth the money it's not even a puppet show, the Dancing Jellyfish was average only one tank caught my interest, we had fun watching the Sea Lion Show and my son got excited on our way to mini Antartica, the penguins were cute! The trip to the Snow Village which is a big refrigerator for me with the perks of wearing coats smelled of wet socks was a little different. Good thing I got 60% off on these deal, regular rates are too expensive and each show is paid separately.

Certified Addict

Back when I was still working, I don't even have time to go out with friends let alone check on the latest thing on social networking sites, but now that I am at home whenever my son is asleep I go online just to check for bargains, ticket sales, online deals I could get my hands on, like a moth on flame I simply cannot resist, homay! I have more than 100 vouchers printed recently, last Friday was the last of the Huggies Diapers redemption day, so off I went to pick it up and to my surprise I'm not the only addict in town, I was #96 and the woman who sat beside me was #12, they were already calling on #68 when I arrived and people are still piling up, the place was so crowded but it was worth the experience. After about 30 minutes of waiting I got my deal and was happy to save P400 :)

Colonoscopy and the Big C

One of the most scary situation that could happen to anyone is having to face the Big C, I sincerely ask God and I pray for it everyday since the accident that I stay C free for my little boy's sake and my family as well. When I was confined last week in St. Lukes Global I was diagnosed of having hemorrhoids, I had bloodied stool for a day prior to that. I was relieved at first for hemorrhoids commonly known as almoranas are not really alarming but then when they said just to make sure they have to do Colonoscopy and Endoscopy which is an examination of your colon using a fiber optic camera so they could look inside your body if you have any gastrointestinal problems, I felt a little cry came out of my throat. It scared the hell out of me when the Gastroenterologist said they have to do these procedures just to make sure we're on the safe side and that I don't have Colon Cancer. Due to mix emotions and the feeling of blocked air passage, I want to flee the hospital so I asked the Doctor if I could go home and schedule the procedure as an out patient instead. I was thinking of my son and my husband, oddly we are all sick that week, one was down with fever and the other needs to be nebulize every 4- hours. A few more days to go and like it or not I have to go under the procedure, I just hope for the best! 

Irene is turning 7 or 8?

About a year ago my mom decided to be the foster parent of these two kids from Bicol, and so come April after Holy week vacation we brought them home with us. This coming August 28th is Irene's supposed 7th Birthday but guess what she's turning 8 na pala! (unreliable NSO Birth Certificate) Anyway, I was planning to give her a small party at home DORA the explorer themed since she likes it but then I came across this never-been-used Little Mermaid gown in the attic, so Under the sea theme it is.