Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Roseola Infantum

Last Friday until Sunday my son caught fever about 38.7 to 39 degrees celsius, alarming yes but the fever was gone Monday, red spots appeared same day night time. I had my colonoscopy that day so I wasn't able to take him to the hospital but come Tuesday we visited his Pediatrician at St. Lukes and there I learned that Vinn had this viral infection called roseola infantum or commonly known as tigdas hangin. Being a first time mom I did not know that roseola infantum is normal to kids of Vinn's age. and that the viral infection is only contagious on Vinn's age bracket 4 years old and below, kids of ages 5 and above are safe from this disease. Indications that your child is infected by this virus are 2-3 days high fever, then red spots will appear on the third day but the child should show no sign of fever. I was asked to give Vinn Immunizinc and to keep him hydrated, thank God for as of today spots are already gone, my Pediatrician said that if the spots are gone, my kid is viral free :)

here's Vinn at the Doctor's office...

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